Catholic SRE “Scripture” teachers have access to training and support:

    • to adapt the Christ our Light and Life SRE curriculum to the additional needs of students
    • in consultation and collaboration with each student’s specialised school staff members


Training and Support for SRE Teachers (Catechists)

The Catholic Archdiocese’s CCD Faith Education Officers assist SRE teachers by providing additional/special needs training options to support the wellbeing and learning needs of students via:

  • Free online training course for Additional (Special) Needs

    • Disability Standards for Education for education assistants

      This free-online course is designed to uphold legal obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). These obligations focus on providing fair access to education for students with disability.Australians with disability still face considerable barriers, many of which begin at school. This training aims to enable those in education to help make a positive contribution to the well-being and learning needs of students. Positive attitudes and actions towards students with disability help to set a high standard for our whole community.

    • To access this free-online course: click on the hyperlink subtitle above, the images below, or copy and paste this web-address into your internet browser: